- boð·skapr
- m., gen. boðskaparприказ, распоряжение
Old Norse-ensk orðabók. 2013.
Old Norse-ensk orðabók. 2013.
(s)kē̆ p-2, (s)kō̆ p- and (s)kā̆ p-; (s)kē̆ b(h)-, skob(h)- and skā̆ b(h)- — (s)kē̆ p 2, (s)kō̆ p and (s)kā̆ p ; (s)kē̆ b(h) , skob(h) and skā̆ b(h) English meaning: to work with a sharp instrument Deutsche Übersetzung: “with scharfem Werkzeug schneiden, spalten” Material: A. Forms in b: (there are listed… … Proto-Indo-European etymological dictionary
-schaft — Suffix std. ( ), mhd. schaft, ahd. scaf(t), as. skap, nndl. schap Stammwort. Ebenso anord. skapr; neben as. scepi, afr. skipi, ae. sciepe, ne. ship. Ursprünglich Komposita mit ahd. scaf m./n., mhd. schaft f., ae. gesceap Geschöpf, Beschaffenheit… … Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen sprache
-ship — O.E. sciepe, Anglian scip state, condition of being, from P.Gmc. * skapaz (Cf. O.N. skapr, O.Fris. skip, Du. schap, Ger. schaft), from *skap to create, ordain, appoint, from PIE root * (s)kep (see SHAPE (Cf. shape) ( … Etymology dictionary